How we can help

At Sense Psychology, therapy is for everyone, no matter the size of the concern. We're here to support you through all challenges, big or small. We offer support to adults experiencing a range of mental health concerns and endeavour to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health symptoms.

Our Services

People come to Sense Psychology for concerns including:



Generalised anxiety

Social anxiety

Stress and burnout

Panic attacks 


Emotional dysregulation


Childhood Trauma

Sexual Trauma

Trauma and post-traumatic stress

Grief and loss

Family issues

Relationship difficulties

Communication and assertiveness skills

Sexuality and sexual development

Disordered eating

Binge eating

Poor body image and dysmorphic disorder 

Low self-esteem

Identity issues

Lack of purpose or meaning

Life changes or transitions

Work issues

Study dissatisfaction

Wellbeing and self-care



Therapeutic Modalities

We value peoples’ individual differences and understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. That's why our practitioners use different evidence-based treatment approaches, that align with their unique training, education and areas or specialisation. These include:


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Schema Therapy

Somatic Based Approaches

Emotion Focused Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Polyvagal Theory Principles

Mindfulness Based Approaches

Attachment Theory Principles

Compassion Focused Principles


Sense Psychology offer Telehealth services via video to people across Australia. Our Telehealth sessions allow you to access our services from the convenience and safety of your own home, while still receiving the same high-quality service as our face-to-face sessions.


How it works:

To access our Telehealth service via video, all you need is a private space and a device with a camera, microphone, and speakers, as well as a reliable internet connection.

Our Telehealth session are straightforward. After booking an appointment, you will receive a Telehealth link via email, which you can copy and paste into your browser at the time of your scheduled appointment.


Preparing for your session:

To ensure you get the most out of your Telehealth session, we recommend preparing accordingly:

  • Make sure you have a private space where you won't be interrupted or overheard

  • Minimise distractions by removing potential interruptions from the room

  • Ensure that you have access to appropriate technology and a reliable internet connection

  • Position the camera appropriately so that your clinician can see you clearly on the screen

  • Make sure that you are in well-lit space to allow a clear image and good eye contact


Benefits of Telehealth

At Sense Psychology, we believe that everyone should have access to the mental health care they need. That's why we offer Telehealth services that provide improved accessibility, flexibility, and an added layer of confidentiality for people who may be uncomfortable with face-to-face visits.

Whether you choose to attend our clinic in person or via Telehealth, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support.

  • Sometimes, it can be really helpful to talk to someone outside of your circle of family and friends. There may be things you really want, or need to talk about, but just don’t feel comfortable sharing with those close to you. Our therapists can be there to provide you with a safe space to freely explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgement.

    Therapy can be a powerful tool that can positively enhance your well-being in numerous ways. By providing a confidential and non-judgmental space, therapy allows you to freely express yourself and explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through this process, you can gain valuable insights, develop self-awareness, and discover new perspectives that lead to personal growth and transformation.

    In addition, therapy equips you with practical skills and strategies to navigate life's challenges more effectively. Whether you're seeking support for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or other concerns, therapy offers evidence-based techniques tailored to your specific needs. These tools empower you to manage stress, improve communication, build resilience, and cultivate healthier patterns of thinking and behaving. With the guidance and support of one of our compassionate therapist, you can unlock your potential, enhance your well-being, and create meaningful and fulfilling life changes.

  • The number of sessions you need will depend entirely on your individual circumstances and preferences. We believe that therapy is most effective when you attend sessions regularly and consistently.

    Particularly at the beginning of therapy, we recommend sessions to occur weekly or fortnightly to start with. This allows for both you and your therapist to build a strong therapeutic alliance and begin tackling the root of your concerns. However, this is flexible. As you make positive gains, you may choose to decrease the frequency of your sessions accordingly. You and your therapist will assess your needs and situation and can decide together on what will work best for you.

  • It is normal to feel a range of emotions anticipating your first appointment. Don’t worry, your therapist will be there to walk you through it.

    For your first session, your therapist will invite you into the therapy room, and engage with you in a relaxed, conversational way. This appointment is for you to discuss your concerns, thoughts, feelings and experiences. Your therapist is there to get to know you and respect you and your process, so you will never be forced or hurried into talking about anything you are not comfortable with.

    In your first session, It is also an opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with the environment, your therapist and the counselling process, and decide whether they will be a good fit for you.

    Research has shown that the strength of the therapeutic alliance is positively linked to better therapeutic outcomes. That’s why it is important that you feel that your therapist aligns well with you and your values, and that you feel a sense of safety in the therapy space.

    During your first session, you may wish to ask questions relating to what to expect, and how your therapist can best support you.

    A standard psychology session is 50 minutes.